On the occasion of WiE week celebrations organised by Kerala section IEEE SB NSSCE Wie actively involved as a team in conducting various events like open debate,continuous training session on PCB fabrication,science quiz etc.
Cybersecurity aims at providing protection for internet-connected systems
such as hardware, software and data from cyberthreats.With an increasing
number of users, devices and programs in the modern enterprise, combined with the increased deluge of data,
much of which is sensitive or confidential, individuals and enterprises rely on cybersecurity to protect their
data centers and other computerized systems from unauthorized access.
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Open Source
Open source is a term that originally referred to open source software (OSS).
Open source software is code that is designed to be publicly accessible—anyone can see, modify, and distribute the code as they see fit.
Open source software is developed in a decentralized and collaborative way, relying on peer review and community production. Open source software is often cheaper, more flexible, and has more longevity than its proprietary peers because it is developed by communities rather than a single author or company.
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Internet Of Things
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines,
objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over
a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.It helps people live and work smarter
and also enables companies to automate processes and reduce labor costs.
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Vijitha S
Darrel Chong - Bronze
IEEE HAC Project 4100$
Four Distinguished Lecture Projects
Richard E Merwin Scholarship
Bhadra Jayakumar
Photography Contest - Bronze $250 Glabally
Experion 2021 Globally
IEEE Darrel Chong Bronze
Our Family
Events Timeline
Xperion is a flagship event of IEEE SB NSSCE hosted by 9 societies ( power and energy society, Industrial applications society , Power electronics society, Robotics and automation society, computervsociety, Communication society, Instrumentation society, Women in engineering affinity group, Vehicular technological society ) . It is interested in advancement of the theory and practice of engineering in development , design , manufacture and application of electrical systems, apparatus, sevices, health, and safety issues , creation of voluntary engineering standards and recommended practices and the professional development of it's membership. It exhibits technical talks , sessions , workshops , hackathons , Industrial visits , cultural events, and a lot more!!
Technical Interactive session with Alumni
An interactive session was conducted by Alumni Association NSSCE with IEEE IAS SBC NSSCE, Palakkad for the students. The session was on 16/01/2020 at 1:00 pm in DLH hall. The session was conducted by two alumnis Mr. Prakash Bare, cofounder GDA Technologies INC, USAnd Smt. Lekha Balachandran, Managing partner, Resitech Electricals. 72 students from various branches actively participated in the interactive session.
Snapshot- Photography Contest
The IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter of NSSCE in collaboration with Friday photo club conducted a photography competition named Snapshot as a pre-event of XPERION 2020. The theme was unseen frames of NSSCE. The competition started on 11th November 2019 and ends on 20th November 2019.The entries was screened and uploaded in Instagram page of Friday Photo Club. The evaluation was done based on the likes got on Instagram page and FPC Coordinators. The event was grant success and received huge number of entries. Bhaskar S of S7 EEE from NSSCE won the competition.
Section Distinguished Lecture Program
The Section Distinguished Lecture Program was conducted by IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad in collaboration with IEEE Kerala Section on 31st October 2019. The half-day session was handled by renowned speaker Dr. Deepak Mishra, Department of Avionics, IIST Thiruvananthapuram. The Inaugural function started with a prayer. IEEE Code of Ethics is conveyed by Abhinav Rajeev, Chairman, IEEE SB NSSCE. Welcome address Associate Professor Dr. Vasanthi V Advisor, IAS SBC NSSCE. Presidential address by Principal, NSS College Of Engineering Palakkad. Program officiall inaugurated by Dr. Deepak Mishra. Felicitation by Assistant Professor Vijitha S Branch Councellor, IEEE SB NSSC. Finally, inaugural function ended with Vote of Thanks Ajith M, Chairman, IAS SBC NSSCE. The distinguished lecture program was on Machine Learning, which is very prominent as far as technical education is concerned. About 65 students attended the session. Among them, there were IEEE IAS student members of NSS Collge of Enginnering and Ammini College of Engineering. The lecture was worth attending in which topics like Neural Networks and Deep Learning were covered.